if you made it here god help you
this is my website.
i dont need a website.
but I spent £120 on the domain so here we are
I will use this as a blog until I think of something else
iv heard people credibly accuse the bush administration of orchestrating 911 with the Saudi's.
somebody threw a shoe at GW bush's head at a press conference​
god bless that man
the stock market is fake, you wanna know how i know its fake
they switch it off at the end of every day
and they all go home
the next morning they all turn up to their offices
somebody turns the stock market back on again
and off they go
did you know the majority of hedge funds dont out perform the SNP 500
so the most qualified people in the world dont know what they're doing
I once made £50 on some Lockheed Martin stock. ​
does that make me a qualified financial advisor?
thats not for me to say, but yes it does.
the only qualification i have is a diploma in music performance
which is the same as not having a diploma.
when i see people on the news complaining the stock market is down
I think, why dont they just turn it off?
and leave it off until it goes back up.
you see
it really is that simple.
I made my money the old fashion way
screaming about formula one